Qwik started off with a BANG in Novice Obedience.
She has great style and really likes to be Obedient.
She learns fast and likes to be accurate. She has
gotten 3 invites to the Obedience Invitational and I
think I will take her in 2015.
Qwiks titleing picture!
This was when she was tied for HIT and lost to the sneeze!
Rally Obedience Titles
RN - Rally Novice - Earned 4-22-09
99 - 97 - 100

RA - Rally Advanced - Earned 6-7-09
90 - 99 - 96

RE - Rally Excellent - Earned 6-27-09
97 - 91 - 91

RAE Earned 6-2014
At the National
1st place
New RN!
New RA!
Qwiks Last time in Novice
199 FIRST Place
Tied for High in Trial
Qwiks Runoff for High in trial.
This BC was only one of the
top dogs in the country last year.