Click here for information about my dock
and how to contact me to come and use it!
One of Bells favorite activitys is to go
"swimming". I am not talking about being calm
and placid, swimming peacefully in the lake. I am
taking about BARKING your head off,
SCREAMING down the dock and BLASTING off
the end as crazily as possible. Thats what
"swimming" means to the red dog. And don't you
DARE say that word if you don't mean it. Or else
you will have a barking maniac.

Her first competition was at the Great Outdoor
Festival in Oshkosh in late summer 2004. She
had an absolute blast and jumped 16.06 as her
best jump. We were totally and completely
hooked! Since then we have attended almost
every competition that is within a 5 hour radius
going from Green Bay, to Owatonna MN, and
down to Yorkville Ill.

Bell likes to jump for her Dokken Dead Fowl
Trainers, her Tennis Ball and also in winter she
prefers a big ball like a deflated Basketball.

Bell has earned the following titles in Dock Dogs
-National Senior Jumper
-Regional Master Jumper

Personal Bests:
19.07  National Event into a pond
20.08 National Event into a Pool
23.?? Regional (eyeballed) into a pond
20.02 Regional into a pool (indoors, also
Bells first competition in 2004
at the GOF in Oshkosh held
at the EAA grounds.
Tinkerbell Places Second in the Senior Division @
Dock Dog Nationals 2007 held in Rogers MN.
Bell broke her personal best 3 times at 07 Nationals.
More Event Photos
Steven Lankford Photography
Steven Lankford Photography
All Photography by Stephen Lankford

Owatonna Minnesota
Bell wouldn't be talking
back now would she?
I am marking the spot on the dock for her.
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a flying RED SMELLY dog!
Nice form!!
"I Love my Duck"
Click to play a video of Bell jumpin.
Mishicot Wisconsin 2006
Oshkosh 2007
Nationals 2007 Rogers MN
Bad throw MOM!
Posing for the Camera??