Registered Name: Light it up Blazin' Bell     SN84452406
Call Name: Tinkerbell aka Bell
Breed: Golden Retriever
Birthday: 6-15-01
Sex: Female(spayed)
Height: 22.5 inches
Weight: 50lbs
Nicknames: Smelly, Turkey, Turks, Boogs
Favorite Food: Anything remotely edible
Favorite Activity: Swimming & Retrieving & Eating
Favorite Toys: Tennis Balls and BIG stuffed animals
Best Buddies: Diesel & Qwik
Favorite Website:


I got Bell as a 8 week old pup. I had been working for a dog
groomer and loved her female, Golden Retriever, Winnie. She
was such a sweetie and cried and cried to greet me every time
I came to work. We had lost our old dog, Sarah a Sheltie,
Springer Spaniel mix the year before and were looking for
another dog in addition to our Black, Miniature Schnauzer,
Ebony. Me and my mom talked it over and decided to get a
Winnie puppy. Since my Dad had always been the one to get
the family dogs we thought we would surprise him! So I waited
for her to come into season, then waited till she welped, I got to
babysit the litter when they were just tiny pups. Then I finally took
her home and my dad wasn't too happy. We had stepped on
his toes a bit :) But now my Dad and Bell are inseparable. He
babys her to no end and brings pictures of her to work to show
all his friends. She always cries and brings him toys when he
comes home.

Bell was a great first dog for me to start competing with. She
was up for anything and always gave 110%.  We competed in
Agility, Obedience, Dock Jumping, Rally Obedience and Field.
Even though she would be pissed at me if I called her "retired" I
have to hold her back from doing anything that might overly
stress her aging body. She is still very active, but is breaking
down physically. I could say she is slowing down....but she's
really not. She's as crazy as ever and dosen't hold back on
anything she does. So I need to watch out for her well being.  

She is a fanatic retriever and anything that includes water.
Luckily swimming is a great low impact activity! So we swim
lots n lots.....she NEVER tires of swimming.

I don't know what I would do without my "Smelly Dog". Shes a
great partner has taught me a lot.